Why gays should never get married

5 09 2010

According to Jackie Beat.

Listen up gays! I know you want to get married, but I’m sorry, it just ain’t gonna happen! Although I appreciate your predicament, let me explain something to you. The institution of marriage is sacred because the union between a man and a woman is a miraculous and amazing thing. Some things are so rare and beautiful that they must be placed on a pedestal and given unquestioned respect and reverance by society. Sex between a man and a woman is one of those things. I mean, have you ever heard of a heterosexual couple doing it in the back of a limo on prom night, crudely videotaping their lovemaking or inviting complete strangers to join them in the bedroom? No, of course not! Have you ever heard of a man forcing himself on a woman who has clearly said “no” or a female teacher having sex with one of her 14 year-old male students? Cases like these are simply unheard of. Why? Because, unlike you and your gay partner, God is present within each heterosexual relationship. And that is why you will never hear horror strories such as a man killing his pregnant wife on Christmas Eve and dumping her headless body and that of their unborn son into the San Francisco bay. It just doesn’t happen.

If you need further proof that “normal” straight marriage is sacred, all one has to do is look to the stars. No, not the heavenly stars above — the trend-setting stars in Hollywood. Take for instance the female performer Jennifer Lopez. Her marriage to the male pop singer Marc Anthony is a glorious thing in God’s eyes. So was her first marriage to Ojani Noa. And her second to Cris Judd. And I’m sure God will smile upon her next marriage, too. And who could watch five minutes of “Britney & Kevin: Chaotic” or “John & Kate Plus Eight” or “The Bachelor” and not see the quiet dignity of marriage? And the vagina-sporting actress Renee Zellweger’s marriage to the penis-equipped country singer Kenny Chesney is also a golden example. So are Woody Allen and his one-time adopted daughter and now wife Soon-Yi. As are Anna Nicole Smith and J. Howard Marshall II, who was 60 years her senior. Want even more evidence? How about one of my all-time favorite married couples — film director Peter Bogdanovich and Louise Hoogstratten — who is not only 29 years younger than him, but had plastic surgery to look more like her sister, doomed Playboy centerfold Dorothy Stratten, with whom Bogdanovich had an affair before her enraged husband blew her brains out with a shot gun and sodomized her dead body. Add to this all the green card marriages, mail-order brides, reality show love connections, Mormon polygamists and women who marry serial killers on death row and the argument is settled once and for all. Can’t you just hear the birds singing while God nods with approval? So you see, this is why you as a defective homosexual cannot get married. It’s just not right. Not when you step back, take a good look at marriage and realize just how sacred it really is.

Gay news, Anita bitch back, gay basher in NY gets nothing, Today Show and the gays, Broadway Bares

10 07 2010

The original Carrie Prejean, anti-gay beauty queen Anita Bryant will be back in the public eye. She will be in Yukon, Oklakoma for a patriotic performance. It is basically for a group against muslims and gays(cause they are similar?!) It will also coincide with the local Tea Party. Prejean ,who of course is not nearly as bad as Bryant was, got married last weekend to pro football player San Diego quarterback Kyle Boller. She did it in style, at the hotel of anti-gay Doug Manchester.

Driton Nicaj assaulted 3 gay man in 2009 and only got 45 days, less than Lindsay Lohan. Two men required stitches and one men even a metal plate in his skull while he used anti-gay slurs. Apparently the judges think this is not severe. Unbelievable. And why is it so often in civilized places like the Netherlands and New York a non local sounding name?? Those people should go back to their own countries if they cannot be civil in ours.

The Today Show got a lot of slack from pro-gay people by not letting gay couples enter their ” Modern Wedding Contest”. They eventually agreed it was not fair and opened the contest for gays as well. Now of course the right-wing bigots are all up in arms. The American Family Association for instance wants people to boycott the Today show from now on for promoting this “sinful behavior.” Poor Today Show, can’t do it right for everyone. But they did the right thing in my eyes.

Broadway Bares is a yearly show from Broadway Cares in which stars of the theatre strip and dance for HIV/AIDS. They raised an amazing 1 million dollars this year. I have never been but after seeing this footage, count me in for next year!!

Gay news,U.S district court thinks DOMA unconstitutional, HIV vaccine breakthrough, U.K supreme court/asylum, Helsinki Gay Pride arrests

9 07 2010

A U.S district court in Boston has ruled that section 3 of DOMA is unconstitutional. It is an enormous victory for same-sex marriage. In both Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs Health and Human Services as well as Gill vs Office of Personnel Management, Judge Tauro thinks DOMA violates equal protection principles. Great news!!

U.S government scientists have discovered 3 powerful antibodies against the HIV virus. The strongest neutralizes 91% of all cells!! More than any before. The cells were found in an African-American gay man who had the cells naturally. Researchers screened 25 million of his cells to find 12 that produced antibodies. Unfortunately it will be years before this can be used on people, still very good progress.

The U.K Supreme Court has decided that gay couple who fear retribution in their home countries have a right for asylum in the U.K. The decision involved 2 men from Iraq and 1 from Cameroon. Lord Hope said that to compel a homosexual person to deny their sexuality is to deny them a fundamental right to be who he is. Well said. Lord Roger said that just as male heteros are free to enjoy rugby, beer and talking about woman with their male friends ,gays should be allowed to listen to Kylie ,drink exotic coloured cocktail and talk about boys with their girlfriends. A little ridiculously stereotypical but I guess he meant good.

Last weekend it was Helsinki Gay Pride. Three men decided to ruin the fun and used pepper spray and smoke bombs. Over 30 people were hit by it and also some children. Nobody was injured but the men have been charged with a hate crime and Finnish president Tarja Halonen denounced the attack.

Funny and pathetic anti-gay protest clip

3 07 2010

Yesterday I mentioned the pathetic few protesters in Ireland after the Dail approved of civil partnerships. Same old stories. Sodomites,God,  think of the children.

Beenie Man family-friendlier than Snoop Dog?

21 06 2010

A music festival in the Hague, the Netherlands this coming sunday has cancelled Snoop Dog because he was not open and family friendly enough?? His replacement in Beenie Man, the homophobic reggae artist from Jamaica. In his lyrics he talked about executing gays and gay sex being disgusting. Sounds better than Snoop Dog right??? WTF. I just called the organization and they told me the city council of the Hague is against Snoop Dog performing and they think Beenie Man is OK now because he wrote an agreement last year that he would not ever sing about such things again. Something he only did because otherwise he did not get any gigs anymore,I said but the guy on the phone told me (very nicely) I cannot look in his brain and that is true. Hope the city council will do something about this, I sent them a digital complaint and am probably not the only one.

Gay news, oldest US gay bar to close, Belgium gay Prime Minister, gay house burned down in Iraq

19 06 2010

A gay bar in Fairfield ,Connecticut that has been open for 71 years will be closing shop. The owner, 57, said the new landlords have doubled the rent and it is just not profitable anymore. He bought it in 1989 after going there since he was 21. Before the 70’s it was a refuge for gays and in the 70’s it was the center of gay life in the area. In the 80’s it was there during the AIDS crisis and also open to women and brought gays and lesbians closer together. For many young people it was the first gay bar they visited and it is a real shame it will be closing.

Belgium might get its first gay Prime Minister ,socialist di Rupo. The biggest Party though in the elections were not the socialists but the New Flemish Alliance, a party that wants to separate Flanders from Wallonia. They do wanna make a coalition with the socialists and that leader is french-speaking Di Rupo. Does not seem to make sense but the reasoning might be that making someone President that most Flemish people do not like makes the chance of a separation even bigger.Sort of a trap. I can kind of understand Flanders though. They are much richer and have to basically support the poor Walloniers. I mean who would you pick, Dutch people or French. That is basically the question.

Police has set fire on a house in Iraq where 2 gay men, a lesbian woman and 2 transgender people lived. The people living there were arrested and one might suspect that they are being tortured as we speak. Since the arrest of Saddam Hussein 720 LGBT were arrested and/or killed. Horrible.

Some fun to end the day. Every year there is a 7-day AIDS cycle ride through California to raise money for HIV/AIDS. I once saw a documentary about this and it is touching to see people with HIV, volunteer and other people work together to achieve fantastic goals. For a few guys the biking was not tiring enough and they made a very sweet clip for Katy Perry’s song “California Gurls.”

Gay news, Malawi couple free, another reason to out closeted politicians, gays afraid to kiss in public, hate on U.S radio show

30 05 2010

Some great news from Africa yesterday. The president of Malawi Bingu Wa Mutharaki pardoned to gay couple previously sentenced to 14 years in jail after talks with UN leader Ban Ki-moon. He still thought they did something that was a crime against the country’s culture religion and law but out of humanity pardoned them even though he does not agree with what they did. Seems like the foreign pressure did help.

California Senator Roy Ashburn, who recently was outed as gay admitted in an interview that during his career he voted against gay issues out of fear his secret would be revealed. He said with it he denied gays basic rights and was ashamed of it. Another reason closeted politicians need to be outed.

A survey in the U.K showed that 61% of gay men are afraid to show affection in public. They are hesitant to kiss/hold hands ,only 6% of straight couples feel the same. Pretty bad, wonder what that is in the U.S. I never hold hands with my boyfriend in public but do kiss upon seeing him. Not slobbery, just a hello kiss and that should be fine.

A Minnesota christian ministry, tied to tea-bagger favorite, the horrible Michelle Bachman, praised the Muslims for their call to execute gays in the U.S on a radio show. The host Bradlee Dean goes on about gays being predators, destroying lives and God raising an enemy for the U.S to kill the gays. Such loving people.

Gay news, DADT repeal, anti-gay family sues bus-driver, Zuma critiques Malawi sentence, Glee/fag

28 05 2010

First the Senate Armed Forces Committee voted for the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal compromise with 16-12 and then the Senate also voted for it 234-195. Of course it did not go without right-wing last-minute scare tactics about gay rape and HIV transmission in the Army. Fools. European army leaders actually said another advantage about allowing gays in the military is the fact that many (gay) european soldiers had a hard time  accepting DADT in the U.S and that made it harder for them to co-operate with U.S troops. The people of the U.S were in favor of ending DADT 72 % as well. Now it is off for a final vote by Obama and Congress.

An Indiana family is suing a school bus driver after he stopped the bus and berated a girl for her continuous bashing of Obama and gays. The girl told other students they were going to hell if they supported gay marriage. The bus driver called her a little bigot and according to the parents the girl has never recovered from that incident, now 2 years ago. Maybe he should not have called her that, but then again, he was right. The girl’s parents should be ashamed. I have had a bus-driver in the U.S stop the bus because of me and my girlfriends once. We were talking too hard and he wanted us to be quiet. I have never recovered, maybe I should sue as well, haha.

South African president Zuma has strongly critiqued the sentencing of the gay couple in Malawi for 14 years prison and hard labor. In most African countries there are anti-gay laws but in South Africa gays can marry.The special thing about his comment is that it is very rare for african leader to critique one another.

I have never seen an episode of Glee, but I will definitely try to catch up on it when I ‘m back in the U.S or maybe they show it here in the Netherlands. The Madonna episode must have been great( I did see clips of that) and the Lady Gaga one supposedly was also fabulous. The father of a gay kid had a fantastic thing to say about the word fag in that one. So good that kids in middle-america here this.

3 clips of hate against gays, American Evangelicals, Polish priest and Hitler bullshit

27 05 2010

Current TV has made a documentary about American Evangelical leaders going to african countries to stir up hate against gays. One of the reason for the “Kill the Gays-bill” in Uganda.Repulsive.

A polish priest in Krakow has some very harsh words for gays and homosexuality. He hopes they are burned at the stake, like in the good ‘ole days. How priest-like…

American Family ASSociation’s Bryan Fisher says Hitler’s army was full of masculine gay soldiers because only gays could be so savage and vicious to follow his orders. How rude and repulsive to the families of all the gay holocaust victims who certainly were not all effeminate. People like this make me want to be savage and brutal. That is right, don’t fuck with us gays because we have no limits except if it messes up our hair and nails….. . Normally all gays have to be butch and not femmy, now all of a sudden a butch gay is a savage.. Pretty sick fuck that Fisher.